2nd DestinE Service Platform Innovation Prize

2nd DestinE Service Platform Innovation Prize
External event
20 March 2024 09:00 – 21 April 2024 17:00

The European Commission's DestinE initiative is building a digital twin of Earth, a powerful tool with the potential to revolutionise how we combat climate change and respond to environmental threats. This digital Earth, constructed from Earth Observation data, Big Data, and Data Lakes, provides real-time access to information about our climate, weather patterns, and environmental threats.

To maximise DestinE's impact, they're hosting a competition where you can be a visionary and design innovative services built upon this digital Earth. This competition is open to everyone, from scientists and policymakers to everyday citizens. You can work alone or collaborate in a team to brainstorm and develop your service concept.

DestinE is looking for ideas that are user-focused, data-driven, inclusive, and imaginative. User-focused means considering how your service will benefit policymakers, scientists, or even everyday people. Data-driven means making sure your service leverages the rich data sets provided by DestinE. Inclusivity means ensuring everyone can access and benefit from your service, regardless of background or expertise. Finally, imagination is key! Don't be afraid to think outside the box and push the boundaries with far-reaching ideas.

To get started, watch the Challenge Kickoff webinar on March 20, 2024 to learn more about DestinE and the competition. Spark your creativity by exploring the "stories from 2050" data book published by the EU. Don't forget, the deadline to submit your proposals is April 21, 2024. The winning proposals will be awarded a prize and the chance to present their ideas to the DestinE community.

Visit the DestinE website today to learn more about the competition, watch the kickoff webinar, download the "stories from 2050" data book, and start designing a future where humanity and the planet thrive.