Our team has been hard at work over the past few months and we are thrilled to share with you the latest updates on our BioDT project.
Firstly we invite you to join our upcoming webinar on the 8th of June to learn more about the importance of developing advanced modelling, simulation, and prediction capabilities for BioDiversity. Also in case you missed our last webinar, you can watch the replay now!
Secondly one of the interesting aspects of the BioDT project the multiple use cases which will feed into the BioDT prototype. We encourage you to learn about our diverse use cases today, including an app developed by one of our use cases, which allows real-time bird monitoring in Finland.
Lastly, we are delighted to share that Dr. Jesse Harrison, the project manager of the BioDT project, was recently interviewed by AMD on how the LUMI supercomputer will be used to combat climate change.