BioDT and eLTER: A Collaboration in Focus at Annual Meeting

BioDT at eLTER Annual Meeting
05 July 2024

BioDT's collaboration with eLTER came forth at the recent eLTER Annual Meeting held in Sofia, Bulgaria (June 3-7, 2024). A strong presence from both projects ensured their continued partnership was a prominent theme throughout the conference.

BioDT Project Manager Highlights Linkages in Presentation

BioDT Project Manager Gabriela de Paula Souza Zuquim delivered a presentation outlining BioDT key objectives and achievements and the connections between the two initiatives. Her presentation served to solidify the strong relationship between BioDT and eLTER.

Staff Participation Showcases Project Collaboration

Further solidifying this collaboration, several staff members actively participated in various sessions. Allan Souza from the University of Helsinki presented a team poster detailing their work on Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Jan Dick (UKCEH) also took the opportunity to showcase the Cairngorms LTSER platform's valuable role within a cultural ecosystem service case study.

"eLTER and BioDT: Creating Interactive Digital Twins" Presentation Emphasises Use Cases

The importance of use cases within the collaboration was further emphasised during a formal project presentation at the poster session. This presentation, titled "eLTER and BioDT: Creating Interactive Digital Twins with BioDT ShinnyAPP," highlighted the potential of BioDT's technology in creating valuable tools for the eLTER network. 

Overall, the eLTER Annual Meeting served as a successful platform for BioDT to showcase its contributions and strengthen its ties with the broader eLTER community.