BioDT at BES Symposium

BioDT at BES Symposium
External event
24 June 2024 10:30 – 25 June 2024 17:00

BioDT project participates in the upcoming BES Symposium 2024, co-organised by the British Ecological Society and a consortium of esteemed environmental organisations. The symposium held at the University of Birmingham on June 24th and 25th, 2024, focuses on fostering collaboration and best practices in creating resilient landscapes for people, nature, and climate.

BioDT Showcases Digital Solutions for Connecting people and nature to ensure resilient landscapes

On June 24th, during Session 2 at 2.45 PM "Upland and Headwater Systems", BioDT project partner Jan Dick presents a paper titled "Connecting People and Nature to Ensure Resilient Landscapes" co-authored by Chris Andrews, Simon Rolph, Dylan Carbone, Dave Carss, John Watkins – UKCEH, UK; Tomas Tomas Martinovic, – IT4Innovations, CZ; Nick Oostervink, Shreshtha Sharma – TNO, NL; Kata Sara-aho – CSC, FI; Dirk Pleiter – Kth, SE; Julian Lopez Gordillo – Naturalis, N; Christoph Wohner – EAA, AT. This presentation delves into the intricate relationship between human well-being and the natural world, highlighting the importance of understanding both for long-term landscape resilience.

The digital age presents a revolutionary opportunity to integrate data on human health and biodiversity, enabling more sustainable management practices. BioDT serves as a prime example, showcasing a prototype digital twin (pDT) for Scotland's Cairngorms National Park.

This pDT integrates information on recreational opportunities with detailed biodiversity data across the entire park. With rewilding efforts primarily focused in upland and headwater regions, these areas attract a surge of visitors and tourists. Efficient monitoring becomes essential to ensure thriving biodiversity alongside thriving local and visitor communities.

The full agenda of the Symposium is available here.